check a demo of a calendar below this page
Why choose our tool instead of others?
The biggest difference between our tool and others is that this is not created automatically but manually.
We give special importance to all customers with a human approach.
The booking space is created manually according to your business needs and wants.
Also our website is completely free as long as you use our booking tool and will be forever free.
Can I change the way it looks?
Yes we can customise it in many ways
Can it fit in any website?
Yes it can. You can even insert it as a button
See the example here
Do I need a website?
Recommended but not required. We will provide you with a link with the calendar. So it will be
If you do need a custom domain please contact us.
A simple website can be created for free as long as the booking widget is used.
Check this example using embedded widget or this using a button
How much does it cost?
Free for up to 50 customers and 50 upcoming appointments.
For more a monthly free will be required. See pricelist
How many calendars/resources can I create per account?
There is no limit.
Example if you have a business with multiple locations, this will not change your package plan.
How long does it need for the new page with the calendar to be visible?
2 to 4 days
Can I change things after the initial installation?
Yes. Add extra requests through your account.
Can I get paid when a reservation is done?
Yes you can. We might need some extra work with some of the payment providers so a installation fee will be required on some occasions.
For what type of business do you recommend this?
I recommend to almost all businesses for both internal and external reasons in commercial and non commercial situations.
— Doctors
— Restaurants
— Seminars
— Hotels
— Conferences
— General Meetings
Can I revert back to smaller subscription or even the free first package anytime I want?
Yes you can
Book a tennis court and fill in your details (doesn’t have to be real). When payment screen click test and last click here to see what you will see in the dashboard